Wednesday, 28 November 2007

educa berlin 2007

The more I work with colleagues from around the world, the more I see common challenges in online learning. The session on eL in development cooperation covered some excellent monitoring and evaluation issues.  

Now looking forward to the plenary from Sian Bayne on Virtual worlds in education 

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

JISC Conference 2007

Top networking and some useful presentations....

Especially Tom Loosemore's candid talk about BBC 2.0 and their 15 Web Principles. I wonder how this list should be adapted for an HE context.

The JISC Infonet Camel Project have some excellent ideas for partnerships for sharing knowledge and practice in e-learning adapted from collaborative visiting networks of South American farmers. Also had a useful chat with Seb Schmoller from ALT about sharing practice for large scale international distance learning.

I liked the HEFCE mention of the need for the sector to get on with High Quality and Mass Education.

The session on lifelong learning exclusively focused on vocational skills and people entering the workforce. The locus in the lifelong learning sector is heavily orientated towards the needs of vocational workers and not people who contribute to the knowledge economy. The UK government commissioned Leitch Review of Skills, Prosperity for all in the global economy - world class skills suggests that the lifelong learning debate be wider.

The JISC eL Pedagogy Programme is still turning out practical tips on teaching and learning online, but perhaps focusing too much on early adpoters and rather missing the rest of humanity.

There is a whole load of commentry and other stuff from the event on the JISC website.

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

UKeU 0 : OUAustralia 1

Take a selection of the nations best universities, build a shared e-learning platform and open the doors to the rest of the world....

This story has remarkably different endings depending whether you happen to be talking about the United Kingdom or Australia.

Demand from students for online courses at Open Universities Australia could soon outstrip the supply from current providers according to the Times Higher (subscription article). Given the Australian's ability to get this so right that they risk not being able to keep up with demand, where did it all go so wrong for the UK eUniversity? “The failure of the UKeU” - the House of Commons Report has some answers. I still struggle get it.

Monday, 5 March 2007

regurgitated echoes

This piece by Furious Season strikes a chord and weirdly draws me into doing something that (1) the authors guards against and (2) I've felt uneasy about all along...
The sad fact is that no one will care too much because no one knows the difference anymore between intelligent reporting and regurgitated information repeated endlessly in little echoes around the Net by people who have no fucking idea what they are talking about (this may be true of me sometimes, as well) and would have no idea how to hold the government or big corporations accountable if their lives depended on it.

Furious Seasons

Sunday, 4 March 2007

Benchmarking and strategy quest

Developing strategy and vision needs perspectives from beyond the organisation and sector. This year I hope to present at Educa Berlin attend Educause Seattle

Online Educa Berlin, November 28 – 30, 2007 is all about increasing your skills and knowledge in e-learning. You can: * explore the latest developments * share experience * expand your network and knowledge.

EDUCAUSE 2007, October 23–26 in Seattle, Washington.Focused on the theme “Information Futures: Aligning Our Missions".

BarCampScotland inspires blog

The inspirational 'unconference' BarCampScotland has given me the motivation to start this blog to help me share and organise thoughts around online learning. It is likely to have a bent towards online distance learning as this is my current career focus.

I’m not sure how this blog will evolve and I hope it will cover a number of fields relating to online learning including (but not limited to):

Technologies; strategy and business models; pedagogies; personnel development; marketing; change management; intellectual property rights; ICT in international development; the list keeps growing....